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The newsletter advice Dan Oshinsky gives again and again

No matter what type of newsletter you work on, it turns out everyone’s struggles are pretty similar.

Stephen Knezovich
There's a lot of great, evergreen advice here, but here's my favorite quote:

“Every time you send an email, a few readers will unsubscribe. I used to write a newsletter at BuzzFeed called This Week in Cats, which had a 60%+ open rate — at a time when being above 40% was rare — and we saw unsubscribes every week. (I still have no idea what those readers thought they were getting into.) If that newsletter lost readers every week, then every newsletter will lose readers.”

Read This is curated by Stephen Knezovich. Each issue shares resources and insights to help writers launch, improve & grow their email newsletter. This particular issue links to an article over at Inbox Collective.
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