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Books are Big AI's Achilles heel

AI companies may have the money and the data centers, but they are badly in need of what humble libraries have in abundance.

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To be well published

Seth Godin on the benefits of being well-published.

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Robin Rendle on the demise of web search.

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On ultra-processed content

A useful metaphor/mindset from Cal Newport.

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How to opt out of Meta’s AI training

A public service announcement.

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Unscalable, hand-crafted lists of links

Or, Technology vs. Taste

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50 ways to fuel a conversation

The fine art of small talk (and connecting with newsletter readers).

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Style is an algorithm

No one is original anymore, not even you.

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How to generate content

Allison K Williams on the three tenets of good content.

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Practical ways to post something every day

CJ Chilvers on how to create and publish something every day— while keeping most of your sanity.